Electricity & Gas Comparison in Australia | Electricity Wizard

Learning About Electricity and Gas Providers in Australia

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Do you have all the information on electricity and gas that you need to find the best deal?

How would you like to reduce your electricity rates in just 5 minutes? Do you need information on how to find the best electricity retailer for your home or business? Electricity Wizard helps businesses and homeowners to compare and save on their bills. Best of all, our expert energy comparison service is completely free.

The Electricity Wizards experts will work to find you a deal through our range of top energy suppliers.

We love informed decisions. But we understand that researching energy plans and changing providers can be stressful. Switching is new to many, and creates questions. There really is a lot to know about changes in the electricity market and how to get an accurate energy price comparison. You could go it alone, but Electricity Wizard is here to help.

Thankfully Electricity Wizard has many deals and many latest offers

  • Electricity Wizard is here to explain your options and help you find a deal on electricity
  • With our simple comparison service, you can compare, switch, and save money on your energy bills.

Quick call 1300 359 779 or fill in the form at the bottom of the page.

Want more information? Keep browsing to understand how the electricity network is structured in your area. We’ll help you to understand the current energy market, give you tips on how to save money by using less electricity, how to understand you electricity bills, help you compare energy retailers, and find out if you’re paying too much on your yearly electricity bills.

    • Electricity Market: Find out more about the different electricity markets in each state of Australia. There are over 100 electricity and gas retailers operating in Australia, and your available electricity retailers depends on your state of residence.


    • Cheapest Electricity: Uncover industry tips to help you may get the cheapest monthly electricity bills. As well as energy discounts, we’ll help compare actual usage charges and special offers. We know that the cheapest market price or largest discount doesn’t always mean you’ll get the best service.


    • Electricity Comparison: Check out the history, service area, and retail plans for all of the top electricity retailers throughout Australia just by clicking this page link. We compare and review a list of companies to select the best retailers to offer as preferred suppliers to our customers.


    • Electricity Prices: How much will you pay for your electricity over the next few years? Find out here. Yes electricity prices vary by state, but we track the fluctuations and price predictions to help our customers get the best deal on their electricity. Be informed so you can make the best choice for your energy retailer.


    • Electricity Costs: Checkout electricity costs for different states across Australia.Being under informed about electricity costs can make you pay more for your electricity bills.


    • Electricity Connection: Have you found the right electricity distributor yet to meet your needs?  Learn how to get your power connected quickly in just a few simple steps.


    • Electricity Suppliers: Electricity suppliers vary by state. These are the retailers responsible for billing customers and businesses for electricity and other energy usage.


    • Electricity Distributors: Electricity distributors in Australia regulate a specific geographic area. They own the poles and wires, they read the meters, they arrange for electricity connections and disconnections for homes and businesses too.


    • Electricity Concessions: Depending on your state of residence, you may be eligible for a wide variety of electricity concessions. You may be able to use these concessions to save you money off your monthly electricity bill.


    • Electricity Bill: We help you better understanding your electricity bill, this allows you to make a better choice for your energy supplier and learn which appliances cost the most to run. With the right electricity retailer, you can save big money on your monthly electricity usage.


You can use the above helpful electricity guide to better understand your bill, the electricity market, and the concessions on offer that may slice a chunk off your monthly electricity bills.

Electricity Wizard here and our aim is to make the electricity supplier comparison process quick and simple. We enable you to quickly compare different retailers and to choose the most affordable rate plan for your area.

Want to see if you can save money on your monthly electricity?

Simply click on one of the links above to read more. If you’re ready to start saving money, call the number listed below and get comparing.

See If You Can Get a Better Deal on Electricity

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare what you pay now against what you would be paying with a host of other suppliers in your area. We compare usage rates, we compare electricity plans, and then we help you select the right plan and retailer for you. If your switch is not all about price, we can focus on whatever special criteria you have for your preferred energy supplier.

So how much will it cost you? Nothing! Our service is completely free. You have nothing to lose! If we can’t find you a better deal, then you can stay with your current electricity supplier. We don’t charge you for our comparison service and you are under no obligation to switch.

Try us out today! Call Electricity Wizard now on 1300 359 779 or fill out your details below to have one of our comparison specialists help you get a better deal on your energy bills!

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