Ergon- Electricity Distributors Brisbane

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Post on June 12th, 2015

Ergon is an electricity distributor in Australia owned by the Government of Queensland. Ergon supplies electricity to Queensland residents outside the metropolitan Southwest region through their distribution network and retail services.

Ergon provides electricity service to regional Queensland in coastal and rural areas ranging from the outback of Queensland to the Torres Strait. This region extends throughout 97% of Queensland to encompass roughly 1.7 million square km.

In 2007, part of the Ergon Corporation was privatised by the Queensland Government through a sale of 50,000 electricity customers to AGL. Smaller electricity customers continue to be billed by Ergon, and the company remains in public ownership to this day.

Since Full Retail Competition was introduced to Queensland in 2007, Queensland customers now have the opportunity to choose their electricity retailer. As of July 2007, electricity retailers have been able to sell electricity to most homes and businesses throughout Queensland.

When it comes to electricity service, customers of Ergon Energy have two different options:

  1. Stay with Ergon and continue to buy electricity through the Standard Retail Contract. All terms and conditions and government set tariffs are determined by the Queensland Competition Authority.
  2. Check with other retailers and negotiate an electricity contract.

Ergon Future Growth

Ergon is focused on conserving energy to benefit the environment and save the customer money. Currently, the biggest single source of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia is electricity generation. Most of the electricity in Queensland is generated by coal-fired power stations. As the electricity demand continues to grow, so do greenhouse emissions. This is why Ergon is focused on conserving electricity and investing in renewable energy resources to reduce emissions and manage climate change.

Ergon encourages customers to conserve electricity for three specific reasons:

  1. Customers that use less electricity in peak hours reduce the total upgrade cost within the Ergon electricity network.
  2. Less electricity use means lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Less electricity use will help customers reduce the financial impact of their electricity bills.

Ergon Contact Information

For faults, customers can call 13 22 96 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For serious emergencies, customers can call 13 16 70 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For customer service and general enquiries, customers can call 13 10 46 from 7 AM to 6:30 PM Monday through Friday or visit the official website.

Would you like to find a cheaper electricity retailer under the Ergon network? Call ElectricityWizard on 1300 359 779 now or fill in the form, and we’ll contact you straight back.

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