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Cheapest Electricity Prices

Post on June 16th, 2015

If you’re on the lookout for the cheapest electricity prices in Australia, you’re not alone. More and more homeowners are becoming seriously concerned about unexpected rises in electricity costs.

The rises are making annual power bills more expensive than ever. No matter how much energy families try to conserve around the house, the energy prices and other add-on costs on electricity bills are gobbling up potential bill savings.

The biggest, the easiest, and the most important step to take is to find cheaper electricity prices. You could take the long route and become an educated energy consumer. Thankfully, we can save you all that time (we could save you big bucks too). ElectricityWizard makes the process of electricity comparison easy. In just 5 minutes flat, you can research competitive electricity rates in your area to choose lower prices available for your household.

To see how much money you could save today, you can call us directly at 1300 763 708 or fill in the form below for a fast and accurate quote. This service is absolutely free!

Household Electricity Prices Will Continue to Rise: Cut Electricity Costs with Electricity Comparison

According to the Institute of Public Affairs, the future looks bleak when it comes to electricity prices throughout Australia. The Australian Energy Market Commission, the electricity regulator in Australia, provided estimates of the potential increase in electricity prices in 2010/11 and 2013/14 per household.

The average electricity price increase is estimated to be more than 37% per household in Australia.

The main reason for this drastic increase in electricity prices is because of new charges from electricity distributors. The cost is to cover the growing infrastructure needed to meet the increase in demand. The energy distributors need to repair, and build up the whole electricity system to keep up.

Paying too much to Electricity Distributors?

Still, many households in Australia believe that these new charges to build electricity infrastructures are overestimated and they believe the added costs are higher than necessary on their quarterly electricity bills. Electricity price increases are even more of a concern in areas of Australia where the electricity network is still government owned, like Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia, and New South Wales.

The government continues to try to encourage Australians to conserve energy to save on electricity with renewable energy programs and incentives. Yet again, these programs cost money and are adding roughly 3% to household electricity charges coast-to-coast.

You can take action and gain control of sky-high electricity prices today by taking two important steps:

  1. Compare your electricity rates to make sure that you are using an electricity retailer that offers the electricity price that suits you – No exceptions!
  2. Do your part to conserve energy around the house by using electricity primarily in off-peak periods with cheaper rates.

While there is little that can be done on an individual level about these predicted year on year electricity price rises, you COULD save money today by comparing and switching electricity retailers.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against from our preferred suppliers available in your area. We’ll help you select the right plan for you, to cut down on your costs, and to meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – So what do you have to lose?

Try us today! Call Electricity Wizard now on 1300 359 779 or fill out your details below to have one of our comparison specialists help you get a better deal on your energy bills starting today!

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