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Electricity Providers Melbourne, Vic

Post on June 13th, 2015

Even if you’re already happy with your electricity rates, it doesn’t hurt to check the market regularly since electricity prices are constantly fluctuating. The best way to know that you have cheap energy rates is to compare from a litany of affordable electricity providers in Melbourne with a free quote available at no obligation to you.

ElectricityWizard works as an energy broker to compare apples to apples to help you find a competitive electricity provider to meet the needs of your household. We will compare payment options, plans, terms and conditions, credits, and more to help you find the deal that you have been looking for.

To take advantage of our free service with a quote in under 5 minutes, call us directly at 1300 359 779 or input your information in the form below to make the switch!

Here Are 15 Electricity Providers in Melbourne, Victoria

Electricity providers, also known as retailers, sell electricity directly to customers and businesses in Australia. Retailers work as the middleman because they purchase wholesale electricity from electricity distribution companies and sell it to individual customers.

Electricity retailers are responsible for paying a fee to electricity network operators for the use of the electricity network, which is charged to customers on quarterly bills as a supply charge.

Today, customers in Victoria can choose from 15 different electricity providers in Melbourne, including:

  1. AGL
  2. APG
  3. Click Energy
  4. Country Energy
  5. Diamond Energy
  6. Dodo Power & Gas
  7. Energy Australia
  8. Lumo Energy
  9. Momentum Energy
  10. Neighbourhood Energy
  11. Origin Energy
  12. Power Direct
  13. Red Energy
  14. Simply Energy
  15. TRUenergy

If you’re looking for lower rates from electricity providers in Melbourne, it can literally pay off big time to do your homework in advance with a quick electricity comparison. Prices can vary greatly from retailer to retailer, giving you the chance to save on your quarterly bills by choosing a provider with cheaper rates.

For example, leading electricity provider in Melbourne Country Energy charges customers as much as 28.24 cents per kilowatt hour for using residential electricity during peak time periods. On top of that, customers may pay a 126.56 cent per kilowatt hour supply charge each day for electricity used during peak periods. When customers take care to use residential electricity in off peak time periods, rates drop dramatically to 14.14 cents per kilowatt hour.

Melbourne customers can take proactive steps to save on quarterly electricity by firstly using electricity in off peak periods whenever possible to reduce kilowatt hour charges significantly. The opportunity to save even a few cents a day on electricity could put hundreds of dollars back into your bank account each year.

You could also reduce the power prices you pay my substantial amounts every year by comparing electricity providers in Melbourne to find any more affordable rates available in your area!

Compare Vic Electricity Providers in Melbourne

ElectricityWizard has a free call back service that will advise you if there is a better electricity plan released at any time from one of our preferred partners. This service will keep you constantly updated with any of their better rates and discounts in your area. We do this so that you never have to worry about wasting money on your electricity bill.

ElectricityWizard is based 100% in Australia and will get you the latest, most up-to-date comparison of which electricity suppliers are better suited to meet your needs.

1300 359 779

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