You Could Get Cheaper Energy Rates by Comparing Electricity Providers in Adelaide

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Electricity Providers Adelaide

Post on June 13th, 2015

Customers on the lookout for cheaper energy rates can start by comparing affordable electricity providers in Adelaide to make the switch today!

Wondering where to begin? The process is simple. You can take advantage of a fast quote that is available at no obligation to you by calling us directly at 1300 359 779 or filling out the form below for more information.

ElectricityWizard makes it our mission to make electricity comparison easier than ever before. When you take just 5 minutes to compare and make the switch, you can potentially reduce costly energy bills every year. Call us to take advantage of possibly massive savings today!

South Australia Power Industry Struggles: Compare Electricity Providers in Adelaide and You Could Save Today

The electricity industry throughout Australia is more volatile than it has ever been before. The perfect example can be seen in South Australia, where the electricity supply system has been labelled as “underperforming” in a recent report published by the Australian Energy Market Commission.

As the AEMC reviewed blackouts and brownouts state-wide, it confirmed that South Australia continues to struggle to meet supply targets. In comparison to other states like Queensland, ACT, Tasmania, and New South Wales, South Australia has not met targets for minutes lost in routine blackouts and brownouts.

The power industry in South Australia has taken an even bigger hit with the recent introduction of the federal carbon tax that has caused electricity providers in Adelaide and other major cities to rapidly increase their rates. Although the federal carbon tax was introduced to discourage pollution from large businesses, including electricity retailers, the effects of the tax have trickled down to customers as major businesses raise prices – resulting in steeper electricity rates.

Customers looking for assistance as a result of this sky-high price increase in an already volatile electricity market in South Australia can start by comparing electricity providers in Adelaide today. Households that take the time to shop around may be able to take advantage of significant discounts on annual energy bills!

By lowering daily energy rates by even a few cents a kilowatt hour, it can make a big difference by the time your next quarterly electricity bill rolls around. Reducing daily electricity rates can help to put a bundle back into your bank account each year to counteract the effects of energy prices that continually rise year after year.

If you’re ready to make the switch, start out with a quick electricity comparison to find any cheaper electricity providers from our preferred partners in Adelaide today!

How to Compare Electricity Providers

ElectricityWizard allows you to quickly and conveniently compare electricity providers and plans in your area. One of our trained specialists can help you find many of the available rates and options in your service region so that you can choose a better plan to meet your needs.

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