Your Choice in Electricity Comparison Could Reduce Annual Energy Rates!

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Choice Electricity Comparison

Post on June 13th, 2015

The time to potentially save is now. By exercising your freedom of choice in electricity comparison, you can reduce expensive utility costs per year. This is your opportunity as a homeowner or renter in Australia to put a bundle of your hard-earned money back into your bank account where it belongs!

To take advantage of potential energy savings today, simply call us at 1300 359 779 or fill out the form below for more information. Our expert customer service representatives will walk you step-by-step through the process to make sure that you locate cheaper rates available in your area in just a few minutes.

No matter what state you live in, you have numerous electricity retailers to choose from. It can be confusing and frustrating to compare all energy suppliers on your own! Why not let ElectricityWizard do the hard work for you? We will compare apples to apples to locate cheaper rates for you in a matter of minutes.

A Quick Electricity Comparison Could Potentially Save You a Bundle!

We’re not just talking about potentially saving a few bucks on electricity by exercising your choice in electricity comparison. Using our free, easy, and accurate electricity comparison service could reduce your total power bills each year to save you a bundle each year on unnecessary expenses.

Most homeowners don’t realize that exercising your choice in electricity comparison could lead to dramatic savings based on which electricity retailer you select. This is especially important as electricity prices continue to rise state to state, placing a financial strain on Australian households.

If you’re wondering why electricity prices are on the rise, it starts with price increases from electricity distributors that determine customer rates based on the prices they charge electricity retailers.

For example, depending on where you live in New South Wales, electricity rate increases from leading distributors could impact your energy bill dramatically. In the past three years, electricity distributor Ausgrid has raised prices by 50%; Essential Energy has raised prices by 49%; Endeavour Energy has raised prices by 44%.

Although New South Wales customers can’t choose their electricity distributor since it is geographically determined, customers do have the freedom to choose from electricity retailers to take advantage of the most competitive rates that best meet the needs of each household.

If you happen to live in Melbourne and use United Energy, electricity plans could range from as little as $1,528 to as much as $2,068 within the course of one year. Choosing a cheaper plan could yield a savings of $540!

If you’re ready to compare and make the switch to potentially save on your energy bills each year, exercise your freedom of choice in electricity comparison today!

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select the right plan for you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

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