Compare your Electricity Bill to find out How Much Money You Could Save

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Compare Electricity Bill

Post on June 13th, 2015

Why you Need to Compare Electricity Bills to Save Money

Comparing your electricity bill could save you a bundle each year on utilities. If you are frustrated by how much money you are spending on your quarterly electricity bill, you are not alone. Electricity rates have risen drastically over the past decade. Many households and businesses continue to pay inflated standing offer rates that are well above the best market rates available in their area.

If you haven’t taken the time to compare rates and plans, then you are probably one of the millions of consumers paying too much for your energy. If you don’t know how to compare your electricity bill or you don’t know what is a good price for electricity in your area, then Electricity Wizard is here to help.

To save money on your electricity, the first step is to understand your electricity bill. If you haven’t read our easy-to-understand guide on how to read your electricity bill, we recommend you start here. Once you know what the different terms on your bill mean, then it’s time to start comparing how your bill stacks up against the other offers available in your area. You might also find it handy to compare your current energy usage and rates against the average electricity bill.

How to Compare Electricity Bills

There’s more to your electricity bill than just the final amount owing. Comparing your current bill with other households in your area will help to give you an idea about how your usage stacks up against similar households. Comparing your usage rates at different times of the year will also give you information about your energy use habits that could be costing you money.

Household Bill Comparison

Your average bill will vary depending on how many people live at your house, what appliances you use, and how you use them. Your bill should include a graph showing your average daily electricity use throughout the billing period. For example, if your household of four is using over 20 kWh of electricity each day, and the average in your area is only 15 kWh, then perhaps there’s ways you can reduce your energy consumption. Are your appliances out-dated and using more electricity than modern, energy-efficient appliances? Are you leaving your TV, computer, and stereo system on stand-by mode? How much is it costing you to dry your clothes in the drier?

Compare Seasonal Electricity Bill

Your bill should also show a comparison of how much electricity you use each season. This will give you an idea about whether you can save money by making some lifestyle changes or improvements around the home. Are heating and cooling your biggest costs in winter and summer? If your energy consumption clearly changes according to the season, perhaps home insulation or upgrading your heating system would end up saving you money in the long-term.

You can use an energy usage calculator to find out how your home compares with the average benchmarks for energy consumption in Australia.  If you discover you’re not as energy-efficient as you’d like to be, we have power saving tips for ways to reduce the amount of electricity you use each day.

What to do if your Electricity Bill is Higher than Expected

If you’re comparing your electricity bill and you think that it’s more expensive than it should be, you might need to call your electricity company for assistance. But first, check the billing period. It’s possible that your bill is for a longer time period than usual due to changes in the meter reading schedule. If the billing period hasn’t changed, check to see if the meter read was an ‘actual’ read or an ‘estimate’. Sometimes, if the technician can’t access your meter, you might be given an estimated bill.

The most common reasons for a higher electricity bill are changes in usage habits. Perhaps your electricity bill might be larger because of guests staying, you’ve purchased a new appliance that everyone is enjoying using. Home renovations, or a patch of unseasonal weather that’s had everyone turning up the thermostat or running the drier, can also temporarily increase your power bill.

If you’ve made no significant changes, it’s worthwhile checking the seals on the fridge, cleaning the air filter on your air conditioner, and making sure unnecessary appliances have not been left on.

When comparing your electricity bill, take note of the current rate you are paying for your electricity. It’s possible your electricity supplier has had a price increase or is charging you more than the best offer available from their competitors. You might be able to save even more money by switching suppliers.

Compare Usage Rates and Supply Charges

Your electricity bill will tell you which contract plan you are on and what usage rate you are being charged. Make sure you compare your plan with others available in your area to get the lowest price.

Electricity prices change, so it’s important to keep an eye on your bill for increases in the rate you are being charged. Comparing every 12 months will ensure you continue to get the best rate. If you want to stay informed about changes in the electricity market, you can sign up for updates from the Electricity Wizard experts to be the first to hear about cheaper rates in your area.

The easiest way to find out about many different cheap electricity rates on offer in your area is by using an electricity comparison service. Electricity Wizard is the best electricity comparison company. We stay up to date with all the latest discount offers and changes in the market so we can help you to make the best choice for your new electricity supplier. We’ll help you compare your current electricity bill and let you know how much you would pay if you changed to a different company. In one fast and free phone call, we’ll find out how much you are currently paying and let you know who has a cheaper price. This quick electricity comparison will help you to find a supplier with lower rates and great customer service so you can start to save money on your power bill each year.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against the best electricity companies operating in your area. Our professional electricity comparison service will help you narrow down your options and select the best plan to save money. We’ll also help you find a plan with convenient payment methods, or an Australian owned electricity company with local call centre access, one that offers pay on time bonus, or uses sustainably generated energy. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

Try us today! Call Electricity Wizard now on 1300 359 779 or fill out your details below to have one of our comparison specialists help you get a better deal on your energy bills today!

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