Compare Electricity Prices in Melbourne to Help Save on Annual Power Bills

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Compare Electricity Prices Melbourne

Post on June 16th, 2015

If you were shocked the last time that you opened your power bill, you’re not alone. Australians everywhere are experiencing surprising increases in the cost of electricity, reflected in a significantly higher energy bill each month.

Conserve Energy and Save Money

According to Clean Energy Future by the Australian Government, the average Australian household produces roughly 14 tonnes of carbon pollution per year.

One of the quickest and most beneficial ways to save on your power bill is by conserving energy around the house each day. As families in Australia become more energy efficient, they can automatically reduce their power bills. This has a twofold effect of benefiting the environment at the same time by reducing unnecessary carbon pollution to cut down on environmental waste.

On top of that, the Australian Government is providing a number of initiatives for families that become energy efficient. These initiatives include:

  • Receive a Solar Hot Water Rebate to replace standard electric hot water heaters with clean energy alternatives through the Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme.
  • Eliminate all inefficient lighting.
  • Improve appliance efficiency using the Equipment Energy Efficiency Program.
  • Meet minimum energy efficiency standards for all new houses and apartments per the Building Code.

These simple incentives will help households throughout Australia to conserve energy and save on their power bills. By participating in this energy conservation effort, Australians can work together to create a future based on clean energy, while reducing household costs at the same time.

Compare Electricity Prices in Melbourne Today!

The final step in the process to try and save money on your power bill is to compare electricity prices in Melbourne to potentially save even more money. Many people don’t realize that you have the opportunity to compare electricity retailers near you to find the cheaper rates available.

If you don’t compare electricity prices to choose the cheaper rates for your power bill, you are possibly wasting hundreds of dollars on unnecessary energy expenses each year. Now you have the freedom and luxury to choose your gas and electricity provider based on a number of rates available to make your utilities significantly cheaper.

The truth is that the Australian Government projects that household living expenses will increase by $9.90 per week from 2012 to 2013. This boils down to $3.30 per week for electricity expenses, as well as $1.50 per week for gas expenses.

While these increases may seem small, they will quickly add up. When you use ElectricityWizard to compare electricity rates to save money each month, you can still reduce your energy expenses – despite the cost of living increase throughout Australia.

Compare and Save Today!

It’s never been easier to compare energy providers than with ElectricityWizard. Call now on 1300 359 779 and speak to an energy specialist who will help you find the deal to best meet your needs.

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