Ready to Save Money on Energy? Compare Power Providers in Adelaide

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Power Providers Adelaide

Post on June 16th, 2015

If you’re sick of paying too much on annual utilities, you can take advantage of our absolutely free energy comparison service today. ElectricityWizard will help you to compare apples to apples so you can determine just how much you could save on utilities, all in a matter of minutes.

What is the best part? Our service is absolutely free and available at no obligation to you. We will help you to compare apples to apples to potentially reduce costly electricity bills by large sums each year for you.

Just call us directly at 1300 359 779 or fill out the form below for more information. One of our skilled customer service representatives will help you to compare a multitude of power providers in Adelaide to find a better energy deal to meet your household needs in just minutes. Call us to make the switch!

Compare and Switch Power Providers in Adelaide Today

If you’re looking for a way to potentially save money on energy, electricity comparison doesn’t have to be complicated. In the state of South Australia, customers have the freedom to compare power providers in Adelaide to choose a retailer with potentially more affordable rates available.

When using an energy comparison, it’s more important than ever before to look into individual energy contracts before signing with a specific provider. Since the electricity marketplace is competitive in South Australia, it helps to work with an experienced energy broker like ElectricityWizard to eliminate confusion in the process.

Customers in South Australia have two different options in an energy contract:

  1. Standing Contract
  2. Market Contract

South Australia energy customers that use less than 160 MWh of electricity per year are eligible for a standing contract. The terms and conditions of the agreement will be set by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia as an independent regulatory agency. Today, two power providers in South Australia offer standing contract prices, AGL and Origin Energy.

Customers who have not actively negotiated their energy contract are likely to be on a standard contract agreement. As of 2012, roughly 30% of energy customers in South Australia had standing contracts.

Conversely, a market contract is available to customers with prices that are not regulated by the South Australian Government. Customers may be able to take advantage of a number of benefits and discounts that include loyalty programs, direct debit, and special terms and conditions for each unique contract agreement. As of 2012, 70% of energy customers in South Australia had market contracts.

For questions about your energy contract and to compare electricity rates, start out with a free electricity comparison today. ElectricityWizard will help you to compare power providers in Adelaide to potentially save big on your bills!

How to Compare Electricity Providers

ElectricityWizard allows you to quickly and conveniently compare electricity providers and plans in your area. One of our trained specialists can help you find a host of the available rates and options in your service region so that you can choose a better plan that meets your needs.

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