Switch Energy Providers
Post on June 15th, 2015
Customers who are looking to save an extra buck or two will be happy to know how easy it could be to save on electricity when you use an absolutely free energy comparison. You can contact ElectricityWizard directly to switch energy providers to potentially save hundreds on annual power with a no-obligation quote available in minutes.
If you’re ready to make the switch, call us at 1300 359 779 or fill out the form below for more information. One of our skilled customer service representatives will walk you step-by-step through the process to help you find a better deal on energy in your area.
ElectricityWizard has proudly helped more than 165,000 Australians to compare. Many save hundreds of dollars on annual power, and we want to do the same for you. Call us to make the switch in minutes!
Switch Energy Providers to Potentially Save Hundreds on Annual Electricity
If you’re sick of paying far too much on annual utilities, you’ve come to the right place. You can take advantage of an absolutely free electricity comparison to switch energy providers in a matter of minutes. What is the best part? You can lock in cheaper rates available in your area to possibly save hundreds of dollars on annual power.
According to the Queensland Council of Social Service Incorporated, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest energy rates in your area. The truth is that electricity prices charged under market contracts in most states regularly increase; depending on the retailer, these new electricity rates may be higher than the regulated retail tariff in states like Queensland!
Residential and business energy customers are encouraged to take advantage of an absolutely free energy comparison to choose the best retailer available in their area. Customers can switch energy providers to reduce expensive power bills after reviewing these important guidelines:
• Find out if there are any conditions attached to special discounts offered within a new contract. In some cases, customers aren’t aware that a discount may only be available if a bill is paid on time, for example.
• Determine if there are early termination fees on a contract. A customer must be notified in advance if a contract has penalties for terminating the agreement early and if any exemptions apply.
• Ask about extra fees and miscellaneous charges. There’s nothing worse than receiving an unpleasant surprise on your next quarterly electricity bill. It’s important to find out in advance about any hidden charges that may appear in your next billing cycle.
For expert help in finding a great electricity retailer to meet your needs, contact ElectricityWizard to switch energy providers today!
How to Compare Electricity Providers
ElectricityWizard allows you to quickly and conveniently compare many leading electricity providers and plans in your area. One of our trained specialists can help you find great available rates and options in your service region. We do this so that you can choose a plan that better meets your needs. We are here to help you save money.
Try us today! Call Electricity Wizard now on 1300 359 779 or fill out your details below to have one of our comparison specialists help you get a better deal on your energy bills starting today!