You Could Save Money on Annual Power by Comparing Energy Suppliers in Melbourne

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Energy Suppliers Melbourne

Post on June 15th, 2015

For customers who are frustrated by paying far too much for annual utilities, you can take matters into your own hands and compare energy suppliers in Melbourne today.

When you contact ElectricityWizard at 1300 359 779 or fill out the form below for more information, one of our skilled customer service representatives will help you to compare apples to apples. Come with us, we want to compare for you, and work to find you perhaps the best energy deal out there.

Even better, you could take advantage of remarkably affordable energy rates in less than 5 minutes with an absolutely free price quote available at no obligation to you. Call us to make the switch today!

Why Compare Energy Suppliers in Melbourne? You Could Save Hundreds on Electricity

According to leading energy retailer Origin Energy, the basic cost of electricity is influenced by a number of different factors. While an electricity retailer will be responsible for setting standard energy prices, there are three different components that could increase energy rates even further:

  1. Network Costs
  2. Energy Costs
  3. Retail Costs

Each electricity supplier will incur additional network costs needed to transmit electricity from power generators to a home or business. This cost is necessary to support transmission through power lines and fund distribution through various networks to supply power to both residential and commercial customers. Energy transmission and distribution networks are regulated through the Australian Energy Regulator for this purpose.

On top of that, energy retailers also have to compensate for rising costs needed to purchase wholesale electricity from generation companies in the state. An electricity retailer will buy electricity from both the wholesale marketplace and through long-term energy contracts with different suppliers.

Last but not least, retail costs are needed to pay for energy services for residential and business customers. These costs may cover administration and customer service, billing and collections, and regulatory compliance with different government systems.

As a result, customers are expected to pay higher energy costs than ever before to compensate for all of the factors listed above. While electricity retailers may be forced to raise energy rates in order to pay for outside expenses, customers are footing the bill by paying ever-increasing prices on their quarterly power bills.

The good news is that you can take matters into your own hands when you compare energy suppliers in Melbourne. ElectricityWizard will help you to compare apples to apples to find you offer amongst the most competitive rates available in your local area.

Compare and You Could Save Today!

It’s never been easier to compare energy providers than with ElectricityWizard. Call now on 1300 359 779 and speak to an energy specialist who will help you find a great deal to better meet your needs.

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