Compare Energy Providers on the Gold Coast to Save Hundreds on Your Electricity Bills

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Energy Providers on the Gold Coast

Post on June 14th, 2015

Comparing Energy Providers on the Gold Coast: A vital step for any Gold Coast Resident

It’s never been easier to save money on electricity than when you compare energy providers in the Gold Coast using our absolutely free service. Electricity Wizard has already helped more than 165,000 Australians to make the switch to a better energy deal, and we want to do the same for you.

You can fill out the form below or call Electricity Wizard at 1300 359 779 for more information.

One of our expert customer service agents will help you to compare through the offers of an assortment of electricity and gas suppliers in your local area. We are also able to secure you a quick, hassle free switch of suppliers to secure your energy savings for you.

To fight rising electricity rates throughout the nation, take advantage of an absolutely free energy comparison today!

2 Ways to Save on Electricity: Switch Energy Providers in the Gold Coast

As an Australian energy customer in a state with full retail competition, you have two basic options available to you to save on annual electricity:

  1. Use a free electricity comparison to determine if there are better energy rates.
  2. Conserve power at home to make utility bills even cheaper.

According to leading electricity retailer Integral Energy, it literally pays to conserve energy to save money on quarterly electricity. It only makes sense that cutting down on household energy use could help you to put hundreds of dollars back into your bank account, after using a free electricity comparison.

Here are some of the benefits that you will receive by working together as a family to conserve energy at home:

  • Conserve precious fuel resources in Australia.
  • Reduce total household greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Decrease your personal environmental impact.
  • Save even more money on electricity!

If you want to start out small, you can turn down your heating in the winter by just one degree or turn your air conditioner up by the same amount in the summer. This makes a significant difference when running heating and cooling appliances that can eat up a big chunk of your annual power bills.

You can also put other energy-savings tips into practice at home to reduce costly power bills by washing clothes in cold water, only running the dishwasher with a full load, using a microwave instead of a stove, and turning off appliances when not in use.

To start out right, why not use a free electricity comparison to compare through a range of energy providers and what they are offering in the Gold Coast? Electricity Wizard are here to help you find better rates. It is all possible, and all it takes is 5 minutes of your time.

How to Compare Electricity Providers

Electricity Wizard allows you to quickly and conveniently compare through many electricity providers in your area. Their prices, their discounts, their plans and much more are all covered, to root out a great deal for you. This is all so that you can choose a plan that better meets your needs. We are here to save you money.

Try us today! Call Electricity Wizard now on 1300 359 779 or fill out your details below to have one of our comparison specialists help you get a better deal on your energy bills starting today!

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