Looking for Cheap Energy? Compare a Host of Affordable Electricity Retailers in Queensland and You Too Could Save!

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Electricity Retailers Queensland

Post on June 13th, 2015

Queensland customers on the lookout for cheap energy have come to the right place. ElectricityWizard is proud to provide our expert service to help you too. We want to locate for you a better deal from affordable electricity retailers in Queensland today.

When you use our helpful, accurate, and completely free electricity comparison service, one of our skilled customer service representatives will walk you step-by-step through the process to compare rates, plans, and discounts available in your area. We will likley recommend a great energy plan for your home or business to help you save on unnecessary electricity expenses each year.

Remember, our service is completely free, and we are here to help! Call us directly at 1300 359 779 or fill out the form below for more information.

You Could Easily Get Lower Rates on Retail Electricity with a Free, No-Obligation Quote!

Queensland represents the third largest electricity market in Australia, after New South Wales and Victoria. Electricity distributors service 200,000 business customers and 1.6 million residents in the state. Electricity distributor Ergon Energy provides electricity to rural and regional Queensland, and Energex provides electricity to Southeast Queensland.

These two electricity distributors sell wholesale electricity to 10 different electricity retailers in Queensland, including:

  1. AGL
  2. Australian Power & Gas
  3. Click Energy
  4. Dodo Power & Gas
  5. Energy Australia
  6. Integral Energy
  7. Lumo Energy
  8. Origin Energy
  9. Powerdirect
  10. TRUenergy

Since full retail competition was introduced to Queensland in 2007, customers throughout the state now have the choice to purchase electricity from licensed electricity retailers in QLD. According to leading energy retailer Integral Energy, full retail competition enables retailers to provide customers with the freedom to choose and possibly save a great deal of money with the following options:

  1. No action taken. If you’re happy with your current electricity retailer, you can stay where you are and continue to receive your electricity supply under existing Standard Tariffs.
  2. Sign a Negotiated Supply Agreement. Customers can enter into this contract with the electricity retailer of their choice. The agreement will reflect any special offers or discounts made available to the customer with terms and conditions that govern electricity rates, contract length, and any early termination fees. The electricity retailer will set the terms and prices in the agreement with specific payment options for the customer that may be influenced by IPART regulations.

As you can imagine, it can be overwhelming to compare and negotiate with 10 different electricity retailers in Queensland to find some of the most competitive rates out there, to lock in your preference and save money. Why not let ElectricityWizard do the hard work for you? We will compare apples to apples to help you find lower rates to potentially cut down your next electricity bill significantly. Call us and you could save today!

Want a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills?

It’s never been easier to compare energy providers than with ElectricityWizard. Call now on 1300 359 779 and speak to an energy specialist who will help you find a better deal that meet your needs.

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