Are You Sick of Expensive Electricity Prices? Compare Electricity Rates in Queensland to See What You Can Save Today!

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Compare Electricity Rates Queensland

Post on June 13th, 2015

Compare electricity rates in Queensland with these simple steps

If you want to quickly and conveniently compare electricity rates in Queensland, or your local area, use our simple and accurate electricity comparison service to get the job done! By calling 1300 763 849 or filling in the form below, you can receive a free, no-obligation quote which will help you find any more affordable electricity prices available from the best energy retailers in your area.

Enormous potential savings can be yours with just the click of a mouse… Compare electricity rates in Queensland and you could save today on expensive annual power bills!

Want to reduce your yearly power bills?

Yes, it really is that simple. If you want to reduce your annual electricity prices, it starts with a simple electricity comparison that will help you to secure any cheaper electricity rates available from our large network of suppliers in your area.

Here’s how we recommend you research your electricity options.

Step 1: Understand your bill

Knowing what makes up your electricity bill gives you the power to understand what you’re being charged for. Find out which electricity suppliers are worth their rates.

So pull out your last couple of bills and find out how much you’re being charged, as well as what you’re getting charged for. This can usually be found on the last page or so of your bill.

Here you’ll find your charge rates, which is usually made up of two costs: your usage rate (the rate your electricity supplier charges you per kilowatt hour) and your supply charge (the fee for your electricity connection). These two charges together make up your tariff, the pricing structure under which your electricity plan falls.

Your tariff itself will be charged in a certain way. The most common types of electricity tariffs you’ll be likely to find are:

    • Single rate tariffs, where you get charged at one steady rate for your electricity usage, regardless of when or how much of it you use.
    • Time of use tariffs, where your electricity rate per kilowatt hour changes depending on the time of day in which you use it. Under this structure you usually get charged more during “peak” times, which are generally during the day and into the early evening, and a reduced fee throughout “off-peak” times—typically overnight and early morning.
  • Controlled load tariffs, which are a type of pricing for certain individual large draw appliances—things like your electric hot water system, or the pool pump. While the tariff only applies to that device, you can have more than one controlled load tariff operating at one residence.


So that’s what makes up your current electricity plan’s fees and charges.

It also doesn’t hurt to check for any special discounts or lower rates that you might be receiving. If you don’t know whether you’re receiving anything like this, give your current supplier a call to find out.

Doing this not only lets you know if you’re getting the best price possible, but also gives you the opportunity to ask if they would be willing to offer you any deals as an incentive to stay—with the amount of competition available in the electricity market today, they may be more than willing to offer such incentives to keep you on as their customer! If you’ve already decided to make the switch, then it won’t cost you anything to ask, and you’ve got everything to gain.

Step 2: Get to know your usage habits

When you look at your bill, there should be a chart that shows you your energy usage habits. It might be as simple as a chart comparing this bill to your last one, or it could go in-depth and show time-of-use.

Having a look at this will give you an idea as to whether your electricity use is likely to increase in the future (outside of the regular seasonal changes, of course), or whether it’s remaining roughly the same. Knowing your usage trend can help you plan for your future needs, and keeps you one step ahead when it comes to rates.

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Step 3: Supplier vs. supplier—who do you pick?

Now that you understand the basics of what makes up your bill, it’s time to put that knowledge to the test and compare suppliers. Having a look over each electricity company’s specific plans and prices may seem daunting, but it really just comes down to a few simple questions.

1. What type of plans do they offer? – Generally you’ll find two sorts of plans, variable rate plans and fixed rate plans. A variable rate plan means your electricity usage rate isn’t set and can change at the whim of the supplier (with a minimum notice period, of course). While a fixed rate plan means that your usage rate is locked in for the term of your contract. Fixed rate plans are a better opportunity to save, but are more rare to find, while variable rate plans are the more common plan, but have the potential to see your rates rise in line with any wholesale electricity price increases.

2. What are they charging you? – Check to make sure exactly what each supplier will be charging you per kilowatt hour, what your supply fee might look like, and whether you’ll be charged at different rates depending on your usage times. It’s obvious, but sometimes things can be so obvious that we forget them!

3. Is the supplier going to increase their rates? – Many suppliers keep their price rises in line with the rising cost of living (which is depressing in itself), but there are some that don’t cap their price rises. If you find one who says they don’t put a cap on their rate rises, we suggest you avoid them, as it’s possible that they’re going to raise their rates again in the near future.

4. Are there any moving house, disconnection, or exit fees? – Knowing all your fees at the outset is a smart move. You want to make sure you’re able to move house, disconnect, or even change suppliers without getting charged anything extra as a penalty. Make sure you choose an electricity supplier with no exit fees so you are free to compare and switch whenever it suits you.

5. Do they offer any discounts? – Just the same as when you speak with your existing supplier, your new one might very well have special discounts or deals on offer as a way to make their plans sound better to you, the consumer. So ask them what they offer, and see if it’s something that works for you.

6. Is the discount actually worth it? – This one’s important, as you want to make sure you know what your discount is for. It might be a percentage discount off your total bill, a small percentage off your usage rate, or a discount for paying on time. Do the maths, and work out which is better value for you.

7. Will they match or beat a rate set by a competitor? – That’s right, with the amount of competition on the electricity market today, electricity suppliers want to stand out from the others, so they may be willing offer competitive rates. This lets you get a rate that you like, with a supplier who you want to go with—so ask the question.

So with those simple questions, you can get the majority of the information you need from each supplier, and you can make a smarter, more informed choice when you compare electricity rates in Queensland. The power is in your hands, after all.

Who is the best electricity company to choose in Queensland?

The electricity market in Queensland is constantly changing. And there certainly are plenty of suppliers out there for you to choose from. At our current count, there are over 20 different electricity retailers operating Queensland for both residents and businesses, including:

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So get out your pen and paper, and start making some calls! It might take some time, but the time you invest now is more than worth it in the long run.

Reduce your energy use and save even further

After you compare electricity rates in QLD, it’s important to take it a step further to save even more money on your power expenses each year. By using the tips listed below, you can save energy around the house each day to keep your yearly power bills affordable:

1. Refrigeration: Although refrigeration is a necessity, there are energy-efficient methods that you can use to run your refrigerator to reduce your total electricity consumption each day. The Australian Government Energy website has some advice on ways to choose an energy efficient fridge and other appliances. It also helps lower energy costs when you allow food to cool completely before placing it in the refrigerator. Lastly, keep your refrigerator set between 3° and 4°C; every degree lower will use 5% more energy!

2. Dishwasher: Make sure to scrape dishes clean completely before loading them in the dishwasher; make it a practice to only run the dishwasher when it is completely full to conserve water and energy. It’s also recommended to use the dishwasher on the lowest temperature cycle with the shortest time available to reduce energy usage considerably.

3. Washing Machine: When at all possible, wash your clothes in cold water. This will dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from washing clothes by up to 90%. When washing clothes, always use the economy cycle; this will decrease total water usage and cut down on washing time to reduce the amount of energy used. When washing clothes for the family, try to wash full loads instead of several smaller loads to run the appliance even more efficiently.

And last but not least, make sure to keep up on the regular maintenance schedule for all appliances! If an appliance is old or outdated, consider replacing it with an energy-deficient model to reduce electricity expenses even further.

Compare and save today!

So there you go: some easy steps to help you compare electricity rates, and reduce your energy use.

Changing your electricity usage habits is on you, but if comparing suppliers sounds daunting, we can definitely help you with that! The energy experts at Electricity Wizard have access to all the best prices and special discount rates in Queensland. In just 5 minutes we can compare your current electricity supplier with others in your area. We can find you the cheapest price for electricity in Queensland so you can start saving money.

It’s never been easier to compare energy providers than with Electricity Wizard. Call now on 1300 359 779 and speak to an energy specialist who will help you find a better deal to meet your needs.

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