Want to Find Affordable Electricity Providers in Queensland with a Free Electricity Comparison?

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Electricity Providers Queensland

Post on June 13th, 2015

If you’re ready to compare and make the switch, you could easily find more affordable electricity providers in Queensland to reduce your total power expenses. 165,000 Australians have used our expert electricity comparison service. To take advantage of a free quote, available at no obligation to you why not:

Simply fill out the form below for more information or call us directly at 1300 359 779? One of our skilled customer service representatives will contact you at the time of day that suits you best to walk you step-by-step through the process! When you take just 5 minutes to compare electricity rates, you can potentially put a bundle each year back into your bank account.

Multiple Electricity Providers in Queensland

Customers have the freedom to choose from several different electricity providers in Queensland since full retail competition was introduced to the electricity market in 2007. Before that time, residential and business energy customers weren’t permitted to freely select their own electricity provider; they were assigned an electricity retailer, dependent upon where they lived.

Today, you can exercise your right to choose by comparing multiple different electricity providers in QLD to make the switch:

  1. AGL
  2. APG
  3. Click Energy
  4. Dodo Power & Gas
  5. Energy Australia
  6. Lumo Energy
  7. Origin Energy
  8. Power Direct

Don’t let the amount of electricity providers in Queensland intimidate you! While it can be confusing to research and compare electricity retailers on your own, ElectricityWizard is here to help. We work as an energy broker to compare apples to apples to help you to find better prices, rate plans, payment options, terms and conditions, and much more. In just a few moments of your time, you could compare and make the switch to a better electricity provider that meets your household needs!

To give you an example, EnergyAustralia, now acquired by the electricity retailer TRUenergy, provides residential customers with a special discount of 8% off regulated electricity rates for two full years after making the switch. However, customers will still be subject to a $50 early termination fee if electricity is cancelled after the cooling-off period, before the conclusion of the two year contract term.

This is just one of many examples of how each electricity provider in Queensland offers their own unique specials and deals for customers who make the switch! You can rely on our professional guidance to simplify the electricity comparison process to help you find the right electricity retailer for you in a few minutes flat.

Want a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills?

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select a great plan for you. we are here to help you cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

1300 359 779

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