How to Save More on your Electricity Costs in Brisbane

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Electricity Costs Brisbane

Post on June 13th, 2015

Two Best Ways to Save Money on your Electricity Bills

1. Find the cheapest rates with Electricity Wizard and switch suppliers
2. Reduce your overall energy consumption.

Customers throughout Queensland are doing everything in their power to reduce their energy usage, especially during peak time periods and popular times of the year, such as the summer. But the biggest savings on the cost of yearly energy bills comes from finding the cheapest rates and switching to the best supplier to suit your needs.

South East Queensland only deregulated their energy industry in 2016. Many consumers still aren’t aware that they can now switch to find a better electricity supplier. Almost half of Queensland residents using the Big 3 electricity companies are receiving no discount at all on their rates! The AEMC recently reported that the average residential customer in South East Queensland would save over $500 a year by swapping from the median standing offer to the cheapest market offer. That’s a huge saving on yearly electricity costs!

If you want to find the best retailer in your area, contact the experts at Electricity Wizard to find out how much money you can save each year on your power bills.

Along with the Queensland Government, Ergon Energy and Energex are encouraging customers to conserve and use less electricity day to day. As well as comparing retailers, and then making the switch to the cheapest local electricity supplier in Brisbane and surrounds, there’s lots of ways to save money on your energy bills.

Two simple and important electricity conservation tips are:

1. Be energy wise – know which appliances are costing you money to run.
2. Turn off lights and switch appliances off at the wall when not in use.

Both of these actions will help to keep your energy bills down while benefiting the environment at the same time.

How to Conserve Electricity: Eco-Friendly Tips

Time is of the essence when it comes to conserving electricity to save on monthly power bills, especially in light of sky-high electricity costs in Brisbane that will only continue to rise. To ensure that you pay the lowest price per kilowatt hour, you can use these helpful electricity conservation tips to reduce your power usage at home:

  1. Use the cheapest electricity provider. By using an accurate electricity comparison service like Electricity Wizard, you can ensure that you are getting cheaper rates on your monthly power bill. That way, the electricity that you use each day will be priced as affordably as possible, compared to other leading retailers in your area.
  2. Get familiar with your monthly power bill. If you don’t know how much electricity you are using, it will be difficult to conserve and cut back! Take a good, hard look at your most recent power bill to determine when and where you use the most electricity so you can create a family plan to cut back.
  3. Unplug appliances that aren’t in use. One of the quickest ways to save on electricity during peak periods, where prices per kilowatt hour are most expensive, is to unplug major appliances that aren’t in use. This could save you up to 20% on your power bill by reducing energy leaks from appliances on standby mode plugged into the wall.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select the right plan for you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

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