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Electricity Costs Australia

Post on June 13th, 2015

What is the cost of electricity in Australia?

Yes, it’s true. Something as simple as reducing electricity costs in Australia can help you to not only save on your monthly power bills but also benefit the environment at the same time.

The main electricity structure used throughout Australia is the National Electricity Market. This structure means that each state has their own electricity system that will soon be part of a new national market instead of individual, state-based electricity suppliers.

On top of that, further changes are being made in Australia to create new, billion-dollar electricity infrastructures to support the growing demand for electricity throughout the nation. Because of this booming demand for electricity, electricity costs in Australia are automatically rising by up to 40% in some states.

Cut Down on Your Monthly Power Bill

Given the fact that electricity costs in Australia are rising throughout the nation, it’s no wonder that more Australians than ever before are asking how to cut down dramatically on the money they spend on their monthly power bills.

The first step to take in looking to save each month is to compare your electricity rates by using a service like ElectricityWizard. Many Australians make the mistake of taking their electricity rates at face value. But the good news is that you can compare a number of different electricity retailers near you. You have the chance to save a bundle each year by securing cheaper electricity rates on your power bill.

The next step is to create a lighting strategy. For most households in Australia, lighting takes up a large portion of their monthly electricity bill; at the same time, using lighting alternatives will provide the biggest potential to save more money each month.

Energy-efficient lighting sources will also offer the greatest benefit in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

To start saving money on electricity today, consider these handy lighting tips to conserve energy at home:

  • Dimmer Switches: Many people use dimmer switches to set the mood, but they can also be used to save money at the same time. If you don’t want to light a room at the full capacity of a light bulb, you can dim its brightness to reduce the amount of energy that is being used.
  • Light Timers: How many times have you left the room while forgetting to turn off the light? Installing light timers throughout the house will do much of the energy conservation work for you. Light timers are especially helpful for outdoor areas to automatically turn porch lights on and off at certain times of day.
  • Time Clock Units: According to Clever Home, you can save up to $68 per year by conserving 456 kWh by running fountain pumps, pool pumps, and other large outdoor appliances on time clock units to switch them on and off at set times.

Want a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills?

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select a great plan for you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

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