Looking for an Affordable Electricity Connection in Sydney? You Could Save with An Electricity Comparison

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Electricity Connection Sydney

Post on June 13th, 2015

There’s no better way to potentially save each year on electricity expenses than by using an electricity comparison to get a cheaper electricity connection in Sydney today.

By taking just 5 minutes, you can call us directly at 1300 763 849 or fill in the form below to get a fast, accurate electricity comparison quote that is absolutely free. ElectricityWizard will compare apples to apples to help you find a more affordable electricity connection in Sydney in just a few moments flat.

Try us today! Our skilled representatives will get the job done to help you find a cheaper electricity retailer in your area to help you reduce outrageous power expenses.

Use Electricity the Right Way to Reduce Power Bills Dramatically

The way you use electricity around the house really does matter. While our society depends on electricity, using it efficiently will make a world of difference in how much you pay on annual power – potentially saving you a bundle each year on unnecessary electricity expenses.

The solution? Conserving energy will reduce your total need for electricity to cut down on expensive power bills. It will also reduce the amount of electricity produced by generating coal to greatly minimize the greenhouse effect that has a detrimental impact on the environment.

While you may be familiar with the basics of electricity conservation to save money, here are some additional energy efficiency tips from leading electricity retailer Ausgrid that you can use to make a difference today:

  1. Make sure that all doors and windows are closed tightly when the air conditioner is on to keep cold air in.
  2. Instead of turning up the heater several degrees in colder weather, put a jumper on instead.
  3. In hotter summer weather, close the curtains to keep out the heat from the sun; in colder winter weather, open curtains to allow warm air in to naturally heat the house.
  4. Turn off the heater before going to bed.
  5. Take a short shower instead of taking a bath.
  6. Repair leaky faucets immediately to conserve water and electricity used to heat hot water for showers and appliances.
  7. Turn off the tap every time you brush your teeth.
  8. Turn off all appliances that aren’t in use instead of leaving them on standby mode.
  9. Turn off lights in any rooms that aren’t in use.
  10. In warmer weather, hang clothing outside to dry instead of using an electric clothes dryer.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select a great plan for you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

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