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Electricity Connection Queensland

Post on June 13th, 2015

Potentially saving a bundle on expensive electricity rates is easy. You can compare leading electricity retailers using our free electricity comparison service to help you find a cheaper electricity connection in Queensland today.

To get started, simply fill in the form below or call us directly at 1300 763 849 for a fast quote that is absolutely free!

When you take just a few moments to compare and switch to a cheaper gas and electricity supplier in QLD, Electricity Wizard will do the hard work for you. We will compare the best electricity retailers in your region to help you find a better deal on electricity rates. We are here to help you save on your energy expenses every year!

Green Tips for Moving Home: It Starts with Cheaper Energy

If you’ve ever moved home before, you know it can a daunting task. It can take weeks sort out all the essentials. The key to moving home successfully is to stay organised, which will help you to complete your move efficiently and reduce environmental waste at the same time.

If you want to move home successfully and benefit the environment, there are several green moving tips to consider:

• Set up your electricity connection first of all. You can use our electricity comparison service first to find a cheaper electricity connection in QLD to secure more affordable electricity rates when moving home within the city or even state to state. It doesn’t cost you one cent to change your electricity supplier, yet it could potentially reduce your annual power expenses by a bundle each year. Taking a moment to do your homework when moving home will help you to get a better deal on an electricity connection by making the switch to a cheaper retailer near you.

• Change your light bulbs. On moving day, take a second to change out all old light bulbs in your new home with energy efficient alternatives. An energy-saving light bulb can burn 10 times longer than a standard light bulb, dramatically reducing annual power expenses by making one simple switch.

• Consider furniture recycling. Instead of wasting time and petrol to transport all your furniture to your new home, decide which items you may no longer need. According to G Magazine, furniture recycling is one efficient way to get rid of unneeded furniture by donating it to a good cause or selling it to a furniture reseller. If you have high quality furniture that you want to get rid of, you may be able to make some money by reselling it to a discount retailer or selling it yourself online.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select a great right plan for you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

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