A Free Electricity Comparison in South Australia Could Save You a Fortune

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Electricity Comparison South Australia

Post on June 13th, 2015

Find Out which Electricity Company has the Cheapest Price in SA

If you’re ready to start saving money on your yearly power bills, it only takes a few minutes to compare your current electricity company with the range of plans available in your area of Adelaide or South Australia.

Our free comparison service will compare your current electricity retailer’s usage rate and daily supply fee with the different discounted market offers in our database from the best retailers in South Australia.

Our comparison service is quick and easy! You’re under no obligation to switch if you decide to stick with your current electricity retailer. We’ll compare your bill and let you know what potential savings would be available if you switched to a different electricity company.

Either call us directly on 1300 359 779 or fill in the form below to speak to one of our expert customer service representatives about how to reduce your expensive power bills.

If you’re a homeowner, renter, or business owner, you can use our electricity comparison to find cheaper gas and electricity rates in South Australia. Electricity Wizard will compare your rates and plan against the best suppliers in your area to help you get a better deal on your electricity rates. Call us to make the switch today!

Fight Expensive Power Prices with an Electricity Comparison

Nationwide, families are feeling the strain of the rising cost of living in Australia. The problem becomes even worse when the average household income can no longer support basic necessities, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The ABS recently released figures on rising utility costs. Over the past few years, the cost of electricity has risen six times the average wage increase. Customers that remain on expensive standing offers are paying far too much for their electricity! The only way to save serious money on expensive power bills is to switch to a company who is offering a good discount.

Low income families can not afford to continue paying inflated rates when discounts are available to those who take the time to compare market offers. South Australians are struggling to keep up with some of the biggest price increases in the country. Major household expenses are climbing faster than the rate of inflation, making the cost of living in South Australia unaffordable for many families.

While gas prices in South Australia are among the most affordable in the country, electricity prices are among the most expensive in the world. And, unfortunately, recent forecasts suggest the price of gas is set to rise.

Comparison of residential electricity prices

If you’re finding it difficult to afford basic household expenses, especially utilities, in South Australia, you’re not alone. You can start out on the right foot with an electricity comparison in your area to make sure that you are paying the lowest possible price for your electricity.

Compare the Potential Savings

The 2018 report on the South Australian Tariff-Tracking Project found that the average household using around 6,000kWh of electricity per year who had switched to the best published electricity market offer was saving $1,165 per year compared to consumers on the worst standing offer.

That’s a huge saving on yearly expenses available just by comparing and switching!

Some companies also offer extra discounts to customers that pay on time. For example, with a leading South Australian retailer, late payment of all four quarterly bills would cost you an extra $940 a year! While paying on time gave huge discounts. If you want to compare the special incentive offers that might be available to you, chat to an energy expert at Electricity Wizard.

Even if you are already satisfied with your energy rates or your current supplier, keep in mind that the electricity market is constantly changing. A free electricity comparison will reassure you by making sure you’re getting the best price. Our comparison service is available with no obligation to ensure that your power prices remain affordable month to month.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against the best electricity companies in your area and help you select the right plan for your needs. We can find you the cheapest rates to cut down costs or meet any specific criteria you may have such as particular payment methods. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

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