Compare Electricity Companies for Quick Possible Savings on Home Energy Bills

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Compare Electricity Companies in 3 easy steps

Post on June 12th, 2015

ElectricityWizard provides you with a quick and easy way to compare electricity companies to help you find a better deal on home energy bills. Best of all, our service is absolutely free and available at no obligation to you. What’s there to lose?

Want to get started on your free electricity comparison? Just fill out the form below or call 1300 359 779. In less than 5 minutes, you have the opportunity to speak to one of our skilled customer service representatives to compare a wealth of electricity companies’ offerings in your area and take advantage of possibly much lower rates today.

ElectricityWizard works as an energy broker to compare rates and plans through a wide range of preferred suppliers. In just a few moments, you can compare electricity companies to find lower rates and reduce expensive annual power bills, and save today!

Fight Rising Power Prices – Compare Electricity Companies today

Expensive power prices have been making headlines throughout Australia, causing many homeowners to panic about how they will afford outrageous electricity rates that are only expected to increase year after year.

The good news is that in addition to using our electricity comparison service, you can take proactive measures to conserve energy at home to reduce your electricity consumption and save money on each quarterly bill.

If you want to save hundreds of dollars a year on expensive electricity rates, you can reduce your annual power prices with 3 simple steps:

  1. Become an informed consumer. Before you can take advantage of electricity savings, it helps to understand exactly how much energy you use around the house each day. From there, you can implement proactive tips to live sustainable and reduce your household energy expenses.
  2. Understand your energy bill. When you learn to read and understand your energy bill, you can determine exactly where your power is being spent to use electricity more efficiently. This is also helpful as a homeowner in the event that you need to dispute errors made on your quarterly bill.
  3. Compare and switch electricity providers. One of the most effective ways to reduce household electricity expenses is to shop around and find a cheaper electricity provider. All Australian states, excluding the Northern Territory and Tasmania, have the opportunity to choose electricity retailers freely; residents of Western Australia can choose a new electricity provider if your household energy consumption exceeds a certain amount. Call us at 1300 732 196 to compare electricity companies and make the switch today!

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select a great plan for you. we are here to help you cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

Try us today! Call Electricity Wizard now on 1300 359 779 or fill out your details below to have one of our comparison specialists help you get a better deal on your energy bills starting today!

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