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Find electricity & gas Providers in Melbourne From Our Leading Partner retailers


Post on June 12th, 2015

How to connect your electricity and gas fast?

Getting your home or business’ power connected can take a long time, and it can be a complicated process too, unless it’s done correctly. Many consumers will simply rush out into the market to pick up their power supplier, based on a name they’d seen on a TV commercial, and made the commitment based on that. A costly mistake like this can lead customers to pay hundreds of dollars more on their electricity bills after they’d moved in, and it’s one that can be easily avoided by looking into the help of electricity connection services.

This can be a very costly mistake, and can lead customers to pay hundreds of dollars more on their energy bills after they move in, than should have been necessary.

Choosing the right electricity and gas supplier is important for four reasons:

  1. Suppliers have vastly different rates. Choosing the wrong one may lead you to pay hundreds of dollars more than you need to.
  2. Some energy suppliers do not have protection from rate rises. You may end up locked into a contract that costs you much more than expected to pay.
  3. Several suppliers may also charge an exit fee. This exit fee is a fee you must pay if you leave the property prior to the expiration of your agreement with them.
  4. To ensure you get connected with your power on the date a supplier promises, you need to choose a supplier that has reliable systems and has good relationships with power distributors.

With these four essential components of any power connection catered to, ElectricityWizard has an express Move In team. This team will assist you with getting the right deal for your electricity and gas accounts so you end up on top. Call 1300 359 779 to speak to a moving homes specialist to get your power connected fast.

How quickly can your power and gas be connected?

Typically, a power connection will take around three business days to get it connected on time and without headaches. The delay exists to ensure that the retailer has enough time to get into contact with the relevant distributor for the area (owner of the poles, wires, and meters and the company able to connect/disconnect the power) and book an appointment.

In some cases, if there is a meter currently on the property already connected, the power can be switched on in less than three business days. ElectricityWizard recommends you budget three business days prior to the day you expect to move in for headache-free power connection.

In some cases, a “same day fuel injection”, also known as SDFI, is possible, but you must submit your request first thing in the morning (before 2pm at the latest). Due to the urgency of an SDFI, the distributor for your area will likely charge you a much larger connection fee than if you organize it a few days prior.

Process for getting your power connected

  1. Contact ElectricityWizard on 1300 359 779 and press option 3 to connect to our Move In department.
  2. We will help you find the electricity supplier that best meets your needs and offers you suitable rates and terms and conditions.
  3. We will then arrange for all of your details to be passed through to your chosen retailer, and will work with them to have your power connected on your chosen date.
  4. Be prepared that you might have to be present for a visual inspection at your new home or business when the distributor comes to connect your meter.
  5. In many cases, ElectricityWizard is able to organize a power connection in a shorter timeframe than most other electricity connection services as we have direct lines of contact right into our preferred power supplier’s Move In departments.
  6. Sit back, relax, and everything will be taken care of.

Fees for getting your power connected

The fees for an electricity connection will depend on three factors:

  1. The timeframe you have allocated to move in.
  2. The distributor that looks after the meters in your area.
  3. The type of connection. (i.e. Is there a meter currently there, or has it been removed?)

To learn more about how much your power connection will cost, call the Move In department of ElectricityWizard on 1300 359 779 and speak with an energy consultant today. They will explain all the specific fees and charges to get your power connected and find you the most suitable option. Remember the ElectricityWizard service is absolutely free to use for you.

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Cooling off period for connection: can I change my mind?

With most national electricity connections, as a consumer and in accordance with Australian law, you will be granted a five business day cooling off period from the day you decide to proceed with a particular supplier.

Selecting the best electricity supplier for your connection

You may think that the best supplier is the one that will save you the most money. But, in actuality, this is far from reality. Getting your energy connection organized purely by looking at just the best supplier today is often not a smart move. Electricity retailers are able to vary their energy prices on a daily basis.

When you move into your new home or business, and if you have signed a contract, your new supplier can legally increase their prices giving you just 28 days’ notice. Be warned that you must look at the contract terms and conditions, as well as your rates. We can do all that for you ensuring you get the quickest connection and the lowest long term cost.

To make sure you’re not stung by any price increases or rate changes without knowing, we recommend you do your research to find the best electricity supplier that will meet your needs. Here’s what we recommend when you’re comparing retailers and plans, so you can make sure you’re actually getting the best deal:

    • Start by finding your previous few energy bills, and make note of your usage. Do you use energy mostly during peak times, or off-peak times; is your use going up, or staying the same? Working out your usage habits will let you determine the type of plan that will suit you best.


    • It may seem unimportant to some, but for others it pays to look around for suppliers that fit with your values. Would you prefer a company that’s locally owned and operated, or is having a greener source of energy important to you? With the number of retailers out there, you’ll be able to find one that fits your criteria, and you can feel comfortable with the retailer you’ve chosen.


    • Now it’s time to compare electricity plans. There are two general types of plans you’ll see on offer, fixed rate plans and variable rate plans. A fixed rate plan locks the usage rate in for the whole term of your contract, whereas a variable rate plan can see your usage rate change, whether it’s due to the cost of wholesale energy, or at your supplier’s discretion.

      Fixed rate plans aren’t as common as variable rate plans, but they’ll provide you with the comfort you’ll always be charged the same rate (and you can look into options for reducing your energy use if you want to save money). A variable rate plan is the most common you’ll find, and can potentially give you the opportunity to see your electricity usage go down—so choosing which you’d prefer really depends on your personal preference.


    • Check the terms and conditions of each plan you look at. While it might sound boring, this lets you know exactly what you’re getting into, and you can find out exactly what each plan says about rates, tariffs, and fees. If you read these thoroughly, you can cover yourself for the future, and you’ll know if there are likely to be any fee increases, rate changes, or potential penalties coming your way.


    • Ask the supplier if they’d be willing to match, or even beat, rates set by their competition. With the competition in the electricity market today, retailers want to position themselves as being the best option for their consumers, so a lot are willing to set lower prices to get you in as their customer. So ask about matching rates when you’re comparing plans, it gives you the opportunity to get a better rate with a supplier you prefer.


  • Ask your supplier if there are any discounts offered on your plan. Much like matching rates, suppliers will try and make their plans seem more attractive by offering discounts. You’ll be able to find discounts on things like opting in to paperless correspondence, setting up direct debit for billing, and even for regularly paying your bill on time.

    But be warned—make sure you check to see what portion of your bill receives the discount, how long it applies for, and if there are any conditions that will cancel the discount. Know what you’re getting into first.

To keep a competitive edge, we recommend that you compare suppliers every 12 to 24 months. This lets you keep on top of any better deals that are on offer, and also lets you take advantage of any new technologies that may have come onto the market.

Once that’s done, it’s time to make the switch. That’s where we can help.

Connect my power!

Call the Moving Homes department on 1300 359 779 now to find the right deal for you.

ElectricityWizard can help you find the most suitable electricity supplier and connect your power to ensure that you get not only a good deal today, but so you can secure a great deal over the next 24 months too.

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