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Compare Electricity Costs

Post on June 12th, 2015

Looking to Compare Electricity Costs ?

By taking just 5 minutes to fill out the form below or calling us directly at 1300 359 779, you may have the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars by reducing your annual power bills.

ElectricityWizard works as an energy broker to find you some of the most competitive rates available when you compare electricity costs. ElectricityWizard will walk you step-by-step through the process as we compare apples to apples to locate the more affordable rates with better discounts, terms, and conditions for your household.

With one simple phone call, you can speak to a live customer service representative who will provide you with a simple, clear solution for potentially quick energy savings. We guarantee you no complicated jargon; when you compare electricity costs, you can make the switch with minimal paperwork, no red tape, and no confusion in the process!

Low Income Households Save on Energy with the Energy and Water Task Force

Victoria is just one state that has introduced the Energy and Water Task Force to help low income households save significant money by conserving energy and water at home. The Task Force provides eligible households with a free home assessment and retrofit for energy conservation.

Here’s how it works: a trained government-appointed team member will visit a household to assess areas for improvement when it comes to both energy and water efficiency. Based on the results of this assessment, a household may receive numerous retrofit products that will be installed at no charge.

Some examples include:

  • Fitting energy-efficient light globe alternatives.
  • Repairing leaky taps.
  • Installing water-efficient shower roses.
  • Sealing draughts and cracks.

As part of the assessment, homeowners will be given suggestions for helpful tips that they can implement to continue to live sustainably and conserve energy and water at home to reduce power expenses.

Households that have taken advantage of the program and have been retrofitted receive an average electricity savings of 9% and gas savings of 16% per year!

Of the homeowners who participated in the program, 83% felt that their home was more comfortable after the assessment; 48% of homeowners saw a significant improvement. The Task Force helped 77% of eligible low income households begin to use their heating units more efficiently; 39% of homes opted to keep their heater off whenever possible.

This is just one example of how households throughout Australia can take proactive steps to conserve energy and water to reduce expensive electricity and gas rates. To compare electricity costs to potentially find much cheaper rates available in your area, call us directly at 1300 359 779 and you could save today!

Compare Rates Quickly and Accurately!

ElectricityWizard has a free call back service that will advise you if there is a better electricity plan released at any time from our network of preferred suppliers. This service will keep you constantly updated with many of the best rates and discounts in your area so that you never have to worry about wasting money on your electricity bill.

ElectricityWizard is based 100% in Australia and will get you the latest, most up-to-date comparison of which electricity suppliers are better suited to meet your needs. To compare your home or business electricity rates, call ElectricityWizard on 1300 359 779 today!

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