Compare Electricity and Gas Rates and Save Today

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Compare Electricity And Gas

Post on July 20th, 2022

Looking to Compare Electricity and Gas Rates ?

If you’re like so many Australians from coast-to-coast, the odds are that you are paying far too much for electricity and gas already, that’s why its your duty to compare electricty and gas rates to avoid paying more on your bill. On top of that, electricity and gas rates are only expected to rise year after year, making basic utilities for Australian households unaffordable across-the-board.

To put hundreds of hard-earned dollars back into your bank account this year, it’s could be as simple as a quick electricity comparison using our free service. ElectricityWizard will do the hard work for you to compare electricity and gas suppliers in helping you conveniently locate cheaper rates available in your area.

If you want to take advantage of potentially big energy savings today, simply fill out the form below or call us directly at 1300 359 779. One of our skilled customer service representatives will call you back at the time of day that suits you best. We look forward to speaking with you!

Electricity and Gas Rates Rise: Save Money with a Free Energy Comparison Quote

Households throughout Australia have already seen shocking increases in rising electricity rates and now may face the same fate with outrageously priced gas bills. Applications have been submitted to raise gas prices by up to 18%, currently pending approval from state and federal governments. If these applications are approved, gas bills could rise further than the average 16% increase in electricity bills across the nation, that’s why you need to compare electricity and gas rates ASAP to prevent losing more money.

Experts point to two specific reasons for these drastic price increases:

  1. New Federal Carbon Tax
  2. Cost for renewable energy schemes

Of course, gas and electricity price increases will vary from supplier to supplier – just one more reason why it can pay to compare electricity and gas rates to find cheaper price packages available in your area. For example, the largest gas supplier to New South Wales residents, AGL, wants to raise gas prices by 6.3%. Origin Energy would like to increase gas prices by as much as 9%.

These gas price increases could lead to price spikes by up to 18% in households in Sydney, taking into account that Jemena, the gas pipeline network operator, has applied for an 11% price increase, adding to the financial burden.

Power companies anticipate a higher volume of calls and e-mails as families petition for financial assistance in order to afford these expensive gas and electricity rates. If you want to lock in possibly much lower power prices to reduce your household expenses, you can quickly compare electricity and gas suppliers by calling 1300 359 779 today!

Compare Rates Quickly and Accurately!

Electricity Wizard has a free call back service that will advise you if there is a better electricity plan and deal, so you can compare electricity gas and rates released at any time from our partnered supplier list. This service will keep you constantly updated with some of the best rates and discounts in your area so that you never have to worry about wasting money on your electricity bill.

Electricity Wizard is based 100% in Australia and will get you the latest, most up-to-date comparison of which of Australia’s leading electricity suppliers are best suited to meet your needs. To compare your home or business electricity and gas rates, call Electricity Wizard on 1300 359 779 today!

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