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Cheap Electricity Australia

Post on June 12th, 2015

Electricity Wizard will find you Cheap Electricity in Australia

Every little bit counts when it comes to saving money on expensive electricity rates. If you’re looking for cheap electricity in Australia, you can use our fast, free, and accurate electricity comparison service to find lower rates and start to save money.

Saving money on annual energy bills has never been this easy. Simply call us at 1300 359 779 or fill in the form below. One of our skilled customer service representatives will call you back at the time of day that suits you best!

Electricity Wizard is proud to have helped over 1 Million Australians lower their expensive gas and electricity bills each year. Using our no-obligation electricity comparison service will help you to find a cheaper energy retailer near you in just a few minutes to help you save money today.

How Electricity Wizard can help you save money

Electricity Wizard is here to help you stay up to date with the latest energy news and information.

If you need advice on the best way to lower your expenses and improve your budget to see more of your hard-earned dollars going towards the good stuff, then we are here to help. We have tips on ways to save power and other energy-saving advice for homes and businesses. We can also help you to learn more about solar panels, feed-in tariffs, and other energy initiatives. While reducing your energy consumption will reduce your yearly bills, you might be surprised by how much you can save by switching energy providers.

To find cheap electricity in Australia it helps to understand the broader energy market. Equally important is learning how to read your own electricity bill. Electricity Wizard has information pages to help you do these and everything in between.

For a handy guide to Australia’s energy market, check out our state by state guides available here.

Do you know which distributor supplies wholesale energy in your region? More information about regional networks is available here.

An accurate and comprehensive electricity comparison must include a comparison of prices, plans, and companies. We can help to explain the different tariff structures you might see advertised, hidden costs associated with the various plans and contracts, and also the services offered by individual companies. This includes information on individual electricity suppliers such as access to local call centres, connection fees, and a company’s stance on renewable energy. Click the various links to find information on comparing companies, comparing plans, and comparing rates.

If you need help understanding how to read and compare your current electricity bill, we have a handy guide on understanding terminology and reading your power bill. This will help you to compare your electricity bill with the average energy bill in Australia.

Take advantage of our expertise. Call us today to make sure you are getting the best deal possible on your electricity and gas. We’ll find you the cheapest rates in your area and help you switch and save.

Changes in the Price of Electricity in Australia

When it comes to how much you pay for electricity, much of it will depend upon where you live in Australia. The sad fact is that prices across the country have been increasing over the past decade.

In 2012, average electricity prices were slated to increase as much as 37% throughout all states. Much of this had to do with the increased overhead needed to regulate the poles and wires throughout the nation, especially due to repairs being required to ensure reliable distribution and transmission of electricity in each state.

On top of that, the introduction of the Federal Carbon Tax saw an increase in household electricity prices by up to 8%. When that cost was added to other expenses like higher wholesale electricity prices, the cost for renewable energy programs implemented by the government, and the charge for greenhouse gas restraining measures, households were warned they would see an average energy bill increase from $300 to almost $1900 per year for the 2013/14 period.

Jump forward to where we are today, and you’ll surely have noticed that while costs are still increasing, the rate at which electricity prices are increasing has slowed. In some states, the average price of a household’s yearly electricity bill has even decreased.

In December, the Australian Energy Market Commission published its 2018 Electricity Price Trends Report with the following representative average prices per state for the median yearly household electricity bill including GST.

AEMC 2018 Electricity Prices
In general, the AEMC derives typical average prices from 2 person households. Access to mains gas and off-peak water varies by state. In some cases, yearly totals reflect partial use of off-peak or controlled load tariffs. Personal factors should be taken into account when looking at these numbers, such as the number of people living in your household, individual household usage habits, the actual electricity rate you’re on, any government concessions, and the use of solar or other energy-saving initiatives.

While some states are restricted to standing offers, the majority of households in deregulated areas are hopefully taking advantage of the competitive electricity market, and have already shopped around to find the cheapest electricity available in their region of Australia.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against the best electricity suppliers available in your area and help you select a better plan for your home or business. We’ll help you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

Try us today! Call Electricity Wizard now on 1300 359 779 or fill out your details below to have one of our comparison specialists help you get a better deal.

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