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Business Electricity Costs

Post on June 12th, 2015

One of the things that small to large business customers always do is to look out for effective ways to reduce business electricity costs so they can keep their monthly overheads to a minimum. If business electricity savings is something you also aspire for, then you’ve come to the right place.

You can take advantage of a free, no-obligation electricity comparison by calling us today at 1300-763-397 or filling out the form below! Even if you are already satisfied with your current electricity rates, it doesn’t hurt to see if there’s something else that can be done to reduce electrical consumption.

The business electricity market is constantly changing, and the only way for you to guarantee that the rates you are paying for is lower than other prices available is to do a rate comparison today!

How to Lower Business Electricity Costs in 3 Easy Steps

Want to take a more proactive role in keeping business electricity costs down? These 3 steps are going to result in significant reductions in your monthly electrical bills.

You already know that using a handy electricity comparison tool will do a lot to significantly cut down on business electricity costs, but it never hurts to do more in order to bring it down further. If you want your business to have the highest possible revenues at the lowest possible operating costs, you need to implement measures to ensure energy efficiency.

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Meeting Your Goal Together

When everyone in your company works together to reduce electrical consumption, you hit two birds with one stone by saving money and benefitting the environment at the same time.

Leading electricity retailer AGL shares expert advice that you can implement in an instant to reduce electrical consumption in your business. These are sure-fire ways for any business to drastically improve profitability as well as make monthly utility bills even more manageable:

1. Switch off appliances whenever possible.
Do you have appliances that are plugged in to the wall and left on standby mode? Did you know that appliances that are not necessarily used but are plugged in or turned on constantly draw in small amounts of energy off the socket? It might seem like a negligible amount, but add up all appliances that are plugged in at the same time and multiply it by all the days in a month and you end up with higher business electricity costs because of phantom electricity!

If you want to take a proactive stance at increasing your business electricity savings, go around the office and identify appliances and gadgets that should be unplugged right after using. Be sure you do not overlook small items like cellular phone chargers or laptop batteries. You’ll not only save on business electricity costs but you also treat your gadgets better because they are not overloaded with energy when they are already fully charged.

2. Educate staff members to conserve energy.
We’re talking everyone in the company: from janitors to upper management. When it comes to energy savings, no one is too important to do his or her part! Many businesses benefit from running an energy-awareness campaign or posting energy conservation memos around the office. To spark and maintain interest and involvement, make a compelling presentation on the benefits of conserving electricity to your staff. They have to understand how something as small as switching off a desk lamp while everyone’s out to lunch can already mean significant reductions in monthly costs for them to be more conscious about their energy consumption habits.

In line with this, it’s also important to make energy consumption awareness a regular thing at your office. Don’t stop with a single meeting to discuss this with your staff. Periodically update everyone about your collective efforts to bring down electrical costs. Some great suggestions include:

• Sending email updates on how this month’s electrical bill compares with last month (or post a print out of this information on your department boards, so staff members who do not regularly access their email will know about this piece of information)

• Run energy awareness campaigns per department every month, with a specific theme to keep things interesting (ex. gadget use this month, keeping the office cool or warm naturally next month, etc.)

• Assign rotating monitors among staff to do a quick run around the office to look for things that can be unplugged

• Keep you staff knowledgeable about the nitty gritty details of your business electricity consumption . If they understand how it works, they will appreciate their own efforts and the efforts of others to keep it down.

A Word on Usage Charges: NSW’s deregulated electricity market means usage charges will vary among energy providers. A usage charge of 23-24 cents/kWh at peak time usage is the cheapest you can expect to find. However, you can also expect cheaper rates to be available even during non-peak times, which has something to do with tariff options. This will be thoroughly explained by one of our trained specialists when you call to inquire at ElectricityWizard.

If you are successful in getting your entire staff to become aware of the benefits of conserving electricity to reduce monthly costs, your entire company can work together as a team to keep utility expenses as low as possible.

3. Insulate effectively.
Did you know that an office building that has poor insulation has needlessly more expensive energy bills compared to one that is well-insulated? This is especially true when the seasons change, when either heat or cold is especially utilized to keep the environment comfortable.

Go around the office and evaluate whether you need to make some changes to improve overall insulation. Weather-strip all around your doors’ and windows’ draughts to reduce draft, keeping the warm air in and the cold air out during the colder winter months.

PRO TIP: The most critical area to focus on is insulation in the ceiling. Invest most of your resources into insulating your office’s ceiling and you will have made drastic cuts on your monthly business electricity costs.

Making a commitment to apply these three tips will result in better business electricity savings, especially when the whole team makes a collective effort to do what they can about this. Once these things have become a habit, your next step is to take it to the next level by actively comparing electricity rates from one provider to another.

Comparing Electricity Providers – The ElectricityWizard Way

However, doing so doesn’t necessarily translate into time away from all the tasks you need to accomplish in your day to day role as a business owner. You can start out by taking a look at a quick and easy electricity comparison right here so you have an immediate idea of whether or not the rate you are currently paying for is indeed as competitive as the provider claims.

ElectricityWizard allows you to quickly and conveniently compare through a host of electricity providers and plans in your area. We did the thoroughly comprehensive work of comparing the cream of the crop of electricity providers to help you find more affordable energy rates for lower business electricity costs.

Good to know: Did you know that daily supply charges in the NSW area varies from 75 cents up to $1 each day? As such, it’s important to be aware of how some retailers that offer cheaper supply chargers might impose higher rates just to make up for the difference, and vice versa.

Finding the balance between cheap electricity rates and top-notch service from electricity providers can prove to be a challenge to individuals who want to go at it on their own, which is why our offer of finding that perfect match is invaluable to many corporations.

All it takes to reduce electrical consumption is one quick call.

One call to ElectricityWizard at 1300-763-397 will have you instantly connected to one of our trained specialists who will help you find many available rates and options in your service region that may better fit our business electricity consumptions requirements. We are here to help you save money, offer you the best choices in your area, and assist you in thoroughly understanding the information for each provider so you are fully aware of how exactly one is better than the other.

If you are ready to enjoy lower business electricity rates that allow your company to run at the least possible cost, call us today or fill out the form with your details so that one of our comparison specialists can get in touch with you!

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