Want to Take Advantage of a Cheap Power Connection in Australia? Compare and Switch Today!

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Power Connection Australia

Post on June 15th, 2015

ElectricityWizard has made it easier than ever before to compare and make the switch by setting up a potentially much cheaper power connection in Australia. Both residential and business energy customers have the opportunity to check current rates against a range of preferred suppliers to see if they can save money on annual gas and electricity bills.

Better yet, when you call us directly at 1300 359 779 or fill out the form below, you can speak to a live person in Australia. One of our friendly customer service representatives will walk you step-by-step through the process to make the switch without any complicated jargon or red tape involved.

Potential energy savings are available in less than 5 minutes. Call us to make the switch today!

Make Energy Bills Potentially More Affordable with a Cheap Power Connection in Australia

Throughout Australia, customers are having a difficult time affording annual power bills. Much of this has to do with countrywide electricity price increases as a result of the new federal carbon tax in 2012 coupled with extra funds needed to update aging electricity infrastructures.

Customers can start on the right foot by taking advantage of an absolutely free electricity comparison to make sure that they are paying from amongst the most affordable rates in their area. ElectricityWizard will compare apples to apples to help both residential and business customers set up a potentially much cheaper power connection in Australia in minutes!

From there, energy customers don’t have to settle for less than affordable electricity and gas rates. The Australian government has designed the Home Energy Saver Scheme as an extension of the Low Carbon Communities Program. The scheme has been funded with $29.9 million over four years, until 2014/15. Its purpose is to provide assistance to low income households in Australia that are having a hard time paying for annual energy.

HESS is available through a number of community organisations throughout Australia and can provide assistance to low income households that can no longer afford annual utilities with:

• Helpful information to conserve energy around the house.

• Personal budgeting assistance.

• Guidance to find the right rebates and government assistance.

• Help understanding the energy market and energy bills.

• Referrals to other services that may provide assistance.

• Ongoing support, advocacy, and advice.

• Access to no or low interest loans to buy energy-efficient appliances.

To make energy rates as affordable as possible, start out with a 100% free electricity comparison today. ElectricityWizard will help you to compare apples to apples, to determine first what possible savings are out there for you and to then on your request, set up a low-cost power connection in Australia in under 5 minutes!

Want a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills?

Fortunately, at Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select a great plan for you. We are here to help you cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. If a transfer of retailers is best, we can organize that for you too. We handle everything so that there is no messy paperwork or extra phone calls for you to make. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

1300 359 779

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