Cutting Back on Electricity Costs in Adelaide: Learn How to Conserve Energy Today

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Electricity Costs Adelaide

Post on June 13th, 2015

Many families in South Australia are struggling to make ends meet today, and the rising electricity costs in Adelaide don’t help. In fact, you may be surprised to find that the biggest concern for families in South Australia is how they will pay their monthly power bill as prices increase dramatically.

Additionally, the Federal Carbon Tax will soon be implemented to raise the cost of energy even further. According to a recent Galaxy poll regarding the cost of living in South Australia, a whopping 41% of participants voted that the rising price of energy was their number one concern when it came to affording their monthly bills.

The cost of petrol ranked at a distant second at 28% of South Australians; 17% of South Australians surveyed voted that paying for weekly groceries at the supermarket was their biggest concern.

When it comes to the results of this Galaxy poll, one thing is clear. Citizens throughout Australia are concerned about the rising cost of electricity, which leaves them with no other option than to pay more and more each month on their monthly power bills.

How to Conserve Energy and Save on Electricity Costs in Adelaide

Fortunately, there is a potential way to save on rising electricity costs in Adelaide, if you are proactive at home. You can start by using an electricity comparison service to find cheaper prices from an electricity retailer near you. This act alone will potentially save you a bundle each year on your monthly power bill since you will be guaranteed to have cheaper rates available.

Next on the list, you can use these helpful electricity conservation tips to cut down on your monthly power bill even further:

  1. Keep doors closed at all times. Whenever you open a door to the outside in your home, you drop the temperature by 20°C. Then, your heater or air conditioner has to work overtime to compensate.
  2. Try not to cook in small quantities. When cooking for one, use the microwave instead of the oven. To save on energy even further, thaw all frozen foods thoroughly before cooking, which will save you roughly 15 minutes of cooking time per 450 g.
  3. Choose a refrigerator model that recycles waste heat for defrosting. This type of refrigerator is much cheaper to operate. When buying a refrigerator, buy only the size that you need since additional refrigeration capacity will use and waste extra power.

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select the right plan for you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

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