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Best Electricity Provider

Post on June 13th, 2015

Where can you find a better electricity provider in your area? If you’ve taken the time to research electricity providers on your own, you probably know full well by now how complicated it can be to compare the many factors that determine how much you pay in quarterly electricity rates.

That’s exactly why more than 165,000 Australians have taken advantage of our free electricity comparison service. We work with Australians to locate for them better electricity providers, providers who really meet their needs! You can call us directly at 1300 359 779 or fill out the form below for more information. One of our friendly customer service representatives will be happy to walk you step-by-step through the process to give you a free electricity comparison quote in a matter of minutes.

You Could Locate a Better Electricity Provider in Under 5 Minutes

One of the main reasons to use an electricity comparison to locate a better electricity provider near you is to rely on our expert help available at no cost and no obligation. For customers that try to research electricity providers on their own, there are a number of factors to consider beyond lower rates, including credits, green options, payment plans, terms and conditions, and even special discounts.

In states with full retail competition, multiple electricity providers are available to offer customers the freedom of choice to select a better retailer that meets their needs. Customers that choose to switch electricity providers will transfer from one retailer to another; nonetheless, the quality and reliability of electricity will remain the same since only the company that manages the account will change.

Customers looking for the best electricity provider with more affordable rates can use these criteria from Lumo Energy to ensure that they choose a better retailer to meet their household needs:

  1. How do the electricity rates compare to other electricity retailers in the state?
  2. Will the electricity rates vary throughout the contract length?
  3. What payment options does a retailer offer?
  4. Are there flexible payment plans available for renters?
  5. Does a retailer offer electricity generated from renewable energy resources?
  6. Does a retailer offer rewards and benefits for members?
  7. Is online account management available?

While most electricity customers in Australia will make the switch based solely on price, you can trust that ElectricityWizard will review all of the factors listed above to help you locate a better electricity provider for your household.

On top of that, customers that use an electricity comparison may also be able to take advantage of special rates and discounts to secure even cheaper energy prices to reduce expensive power bills each year!

Compare Rates Quickly and Accurately!

ElectricityWizard has a free call back service that will advise you if there is a better electricity plan released at any time by one of our preferred energy partners. This service will keep you constantly updated with better rates and discounts in your area so that you never have to worry about wasting money on your electricity bill.

ElectricityWizard is based 100% in Australia and will get you the latest, most up-to-date comparison of which electricity suppliers are better suited to meet your needs.

1300 359 779

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