One Simple Electricity Comparison in Sydney Could Save You a Bundle

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Electricity Comparison Sydney

Post on June 13th, 2015

It’s true – when you take advantage of a fast, free, and easy electricity comparison in Sydney today, you could reduce expensive power prices. This is especially critical in a city like Sydney where the cost of living is high and is only expected to rise year after year.

If you want to take advantage of cheaper energy bills in minutes, we encourage you to call us directly at 1300 359 779 to compare and make the switch. You can also fill in the form below for more information to receive a no obligation quote for lower electricity rates available in your area.

ElectricityWizard has proudly helped over 165,000 Australians to compare energy rates to find cheaper deals on their electricity and gas bills each year. Call us to make the switch today!

Sydney Residents Feel the Squeeze of a High Cost of Living: Compare and Save Today!

Recent headlines have confirmed that Sydney is one of the three cities in Australia that is now considered more expensive than London when it comes to everyday cost of living. Economic experts blame this rise in cost of living on the strong dollar coupled with more expensive mortgages and rents than ever before.

Today, these three cities in Australia stand out for their rankings among 19 of the most expensive cities in the world:

  1. Sydney
  2. Melbourne
  3. Perth

Interestingly enough, the once-expensive city of London has now dropped as low as the 25th spot in the global rankings, according to the World Cost of Living Survey for 2012. This global survey is used by companies worldwide to set pay rates and benefits for international employees.

According to the cost of living survey, Sydney has moved up to number 11 from number 14 in just one year. Much of this rise in cost of living is related to a higher demand for rental properties that has driven up prices in cities across Australia. Since properties now have limited availability, it has created a tight housing market with even more expensive prices.

When you take into account the fact that Sydney is already a costly city to live in, it becomes even more crippling to the average family to have to pay expensive electricity rates. Unfortunately, electricity prices are only expected to rise even further in the next few years, making annual energy bills virtually unaffordable.

If you’re ready to take matters into your own hands and reduce inflated power prices, start out with an electricity comparison in Sydney. Our skilled representatives will walk you step-by-step through the process to compare leading electricity retailers in Sydney to reduce energy prices!

Get a Better Deal on Your Electricity Bills

At Electricity Wizard, we do all the hard work for you. When you call us, we’ll compare your rates and plans against our preferred suppliers available in your area and help you select the right plan for you to cut down costs and meet any other criteria you may have. Best of all, our service is completely free – so what do you have to lose?

1300 359 779

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